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How to Display text message?
Displaying free texts on one or several media simultaneously has never been easier than with Easy Multi Display! We explain you how to easily configure EMD to display your messages!

How to?
You can display free texts in Easy Multi Display by simply clicking on the bell-shaped icon in the toolbar of the software. Then a new window for the configuration of text messages will open.

Easy Multi Display toolbar
The configuration window
The configuration of text messages has two parts that we will see together.
Your messages: this is where all your predefined messages will appear (so created earlier). This is also here where you will add and delete your messages. In this section you will have the possibility to change the design of your messages. Our software will allow you to change the direction of the message, the size, the color, the font etc.
Display: This is where you will choose which message to display and on which screen(s).

The text message configuration window
Do you still have problems?
If you still have questions or problems with your display or your setting, don’t hesitate to visit our F.A.Q, download our user guide or contact our customer service at We will be happy to help you and we would be delighted to hear your opinion!
Download our software
If you are interested in our Easy Multi Display software, click here to download our trial version.
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