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How to use a StreamDeck to control EasyMultiDisplay?

S1. First of all, you need the licence EasyMultiDisplay "Control" including the remote control or the trial version to test.
S2. Purchase by yourself the Stream Deck, Easy Multi Display do not sale it.
S3: Download the soft "elgato Stream Deck" via the official website
S4: Install this soft "elgato Stream Deck" on the laptop which gets alreaday EasyMultiDisplay
S5: On the same laptop, please go to the directory C:\Program Files\EasyMultiDisplay and search for a type of file ".streamDeckProfile". In february 2024, there is only one profile available, in the future you may find many of them.
Regarding the name, select one profile and double click on it. Then click on the button "Install".
S6: Plug your Stream Deck to the laptop, and then you can set our profile by default in the software elgato. Your Stream Deck is ready to act as a remote control for Easy Multi Display.
S7: You can link your phone (with the App elgato), in Bluetooth to your computer and even makes it works without the Stream Deck hardware.