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The display not launching

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You have a problem with Easy Multi Display because the display is not launching? Don't worry, through this article,we will try to help you!

How to solve this problem?

If after clicking "Start display", the display does not launching, please follow these three steps to fix the problem. If you still have a problem, you can refer to the "Do you still have a problem ?" section.

  1. First, you have to go in the Easy Multi Display shortcut at the top of the software and click on the cog icone, the software setting will appear.
  2. Then, click on "Reset EMD Config" at the bottom of the software setting and don't forget to "Memorize" before leaving this window.
  3. Finally, try again to launch your display, it should work perfectly!

Reset emd

Do you still have problems?

if you still have questions or problems with your display or your setting, don’t hesitate to visit our F.A.Q, download our user guide or contact our customer service at We will be happy to help you and we would be delighted to hear your opinion!

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If you are interested in our Easy Multi Display software, click here to download our trial version.

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